Saturday, February 23, 2013


“If you keep on doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep on getting what you’ve always got.” - W. L. Bateman 

This has always been one of my favorite quotes. Along with... 

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”
 - Albert Einstein

And yet, we all do it. Wish for that last ten pounds to to go away but don’t change our eating habits or exercise routine. Long for an exciting new job, but don’t take the classes. Expect excitement in our relationships and yet sit in front of the television every night.

What do you want? Really, truly want? Can you define it? (And I don’t mean a generalized “I want to lose weight” definition. I mean a “I want to lose ten pounds by swimsuit season” definition.) If so, you are half way there. Once you have defined your goal you start thinking about it in a different way. You start thinking of ways to achieve it and visualizing your life after you have achieved it. This part is fun and energizing, but then it’s time to take action and it becomes not-so-fun. This is where all your doubts kick in and tell you not to try because you are just going to fail anyway. 

Here’s my suggestion...take one step. Put your running shoes on. Don’t think of the whole journey toward reaching your goal, think only of the next, best step toward reaching it. 

A client was recently told she couldn’t walk on her treadmill because of an injury and should consider another form of exercise. She freely admits that she’s not an athlete and any form of exercise other than walking is definitely out of her comfort zone! Her doctor recommended an elliptical trainer, as it would be a better cardio workout and would jumpstart her metabolism and overall fitness. Since those are her fitness goals, she decided to try it. She limped off after three minutes, fingers on her cell phone ready to dial 911. But instead of giving up, she tried again and did five minutes, then six. I’m proud to say she is now doing 40 minutes and it’s only been a few weeks. (and she’s lost three pounds, whoo hoo!)

If she had thought about staying on that elliptical trainer for 40 minutes she would never have gotten back on it after the first day. But taking one step at a time, reaching small incremental goals made it possible to reach her goal...and you can too. No matter what your goal, just take that first step.

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